Friday, September 17, 2010

The Pet's Story II

My house is completely like a pet's store now! 4 hammies, 2 dogs & 1 cat. Plus the newcomer Bebe the dumpy Shi Tzu, my house is getting more chaotic now. What's your feeling when you wake up early in the morning the first thing you see on the ground is poo and pee?

And all of us had further another skill, which is the skill of avoiding poo and pee on the floor. Tip-toeing and you gotta stop your breath all the way until you successfully across those landmines and arrive your destination. Okay, it might be a little exaggerating but I gotta tolerate with all these!

But luckily, Bebe is just temporarily staying at my place. By the way, he is cute though a little slow and stupid. The fascinating part is, he starts making friends with all the animals in my house including BenDan, the evil cat. We can't help laughing our souls out when seeing them cuddling together and playing with each other.

Pets are troublesome, but no doubt they are good companions in life, bring joys and make our house merrier.

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