Less Ang Pow from aunties and uncles this year, guess it was because of the economy and political crisis in country. But heard that they rode on plane and had flied to other country for Chinese New Year, where the place has better Chinese New Year ambient than Malaysia. Although its true but I was hoping to get more Ang Pows to cover my losses. Damn it!
I was like giving my money out to people smiling damn like a 'Chai Shen Ye" (God of Prosperity), used up my luck and I am feeling so broken. But since it only happens once in a year, and I told myself: It's okay, those are the 'suey' money which I don't really need them! FML
Then 2 good news!!
Gong xi Siu Lai and Jun Jun, my lovely Uni croonies! They are walking down to the aisle soon! I like to join them for tournament always, but not for this 'Wedding Aisle Cup'. God, they are digging their own graves--- Marriage?!! Are you seriously serious with your seriousness??
Just my drama, but I truly hope both of them could live happily and superglue with their hubbies so closely forever!!!
Kelly: Both of us will be getting old and become old spinsters one day, Sob Sob Sob....T.T

Their engagement rings

Brother Jitt knees down for Liyuen, so sweet!!

Oww, manisnyer!

Going-to-be bride put the ring on the Going-to-be bridegroom's finger.

Cross Arms Toast!

The couple

Four of us!! I look drunk =.=

The brothers of Bridegroom and the sistas of bride. * and the fat arm of me* T.T
Lastly, message to Brother Jitt,
be my Siu Lai's lifetime companion, don't ever make her feel lonely. Grant her the best you could provide, understand her feeling so that you will not hurt her. Every woman needs a man who will never let her down; a successful man is not to judge from how successful he is in career with uncountable wealths or social status, a successful man provides trust and security to his woman so she could rely on him and lean on him. Hold her hand tight and walk through every obstacles in life. I pray for both of you a good future, and I pray for your marriage. Hold the hands and grow old together, LALALALlalalala!
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