Sunday, July 25, 2010

You think you are good?You are not there yet!

Dee Dee Dee~~~
Paging to all Gossip aunties and uncles, please follow the steps below:

  1. wake up in the morning, brush your teeth and don't forget to look at yourself carefully into mirror.
  2. think about what u have done yesterday that hurt others feeling.
  3. think about what you have said yesterday which is not based on truth.
  4. think about your own children, are they really that good?
  5. think about yourself, are u really that perfect?
  6. just zip your mouth or you will make yourself more awful than the one you are always gossiping at.
Congratulation, you have earned another wisdom so you are about there to go to heaven.Thanks for doing so.

I'm not a rude person, I do respect elderly people. Why don't some of you just be a cute old people that loved by everyone? You can look down on other people, but please be sure that you are that noble and pleasant.

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