Then, Starbucks for sure. Green Tea Latte-Ice Blended-Whip creamed-chocolate-powdered for High Tea!

Without a piece of cake for high-T is as like without gambling in Genting. Sound so wrong.

Two is always better than one!

Its me! with my superlicious green tea and cake.

He is always so excited when meet with food. Stir Stir Stir...

Say Cheese
And then, cos we won some money from Uncle Lim, we decided to have a nice dinner, not in Genting, as we couldn't think of any nice food there. Celebrate celebrate, we both love Chili's and yes there we go! Chili's in One Utama!

Appetizer, forgot the name, but I remember the taste. That was nice!
He had grilled-fish and I had grilled lamb shoulder. Both of us were starving that time and we finished having them then realized we forgot to take pictures of the main courses. LOL
He had grilled-fish and I had grilled lamb shoulder. Both of us were starving that time and we finished having them then realized we forgot to take pictures of the main courses. LOL
AND family trip, to Genting, again!
And found my Mr. Right, HONG GA HONG GA
He was trying to get me one of the hanging bears, as I requested. But failed....

My chicken didi can only bear to ride on that flying ship and keep bugging my mom to be his company.

Three beauties from the window frame.Syok ar!LOL

All of us but not ALL of us!
THAT's ALL for TODAY! Chiao!

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