Tuesday, December 21, 2010
我有乌龟的精神, 背着乌龟壳,马拉松式地,我在绷跑着!!命运,我们赌一赌!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Archived Pictures Found in my Lappie (Kelly's Birthday)
I swear I will whack him up until he begs for mercy!
I promised to upload some pictures here but afta so long only I recall
All of us. ^^
Me and mah beloved 'Siu Lai'
Four sampat bitches. HA!
Kelly's first attempt.
2nd attempt. Water leakage version.
3rd attempt. Water flowing up from nose version.
The second shot, taken by the waiter.
Bbuuphh** with saliva, then end of this post.
That was a day to remember. When will be our next meeting?? When are we gonna sing our lung out again? Miss you babes!
Time for bed. Nite!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Forget. Forgive.
Forget. Forgive.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I just need time
I vowed not to cry in front of them, as I knew, I need to take the responsibility of what had gone wrong. From this case, I found out the true colors, that is definitely painful but the damn-est thing is, I never even hate or blame them, although reversely I was accused and blamed on everything.
Yet, from this case, I also found loads of truth where only people we think they wont understand, understand the most. I feel grateful on those people who seldom talk to me, and to be precise they probably dont even know me much, but they always trust me. My tears were dropped for them, the true hearts. People who lay their hands on me when things got really bad, they never talked much, but action did it all.
And I always thought I got a lot of true friends, but now I realized how dumbass I am. I trusted them, but on their side, they never. I am a fake gay, I am such hypocrite until I smile to them to let them know that I am okay. This is a silent case as behind those smiley face, in their thoughts, I am the sinner.
It ends, I fall, and I will be standing up high again. I just need time...
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Tormenting Last Week
I was sick for 1 week, I first thought that was because of the supplement that I had just started taking it for 2 weeks, I thought that was the reaction by the supplement. Then I got my body ache for few days, back ache for few days, fever & high fever on and off, and puked, sore throat, then headache like its going to explode anytime. Then, drastically, I sweated like no mama business then I felt so much better after the tormenting 1 week period.
I went to a doctor when my high fever was so serious and everyone think that I should seriously seek for a doctor. Then I got to take 6 kind of medication, and one of them that I think I must mention here is the super strong antibiotic which the doctor thinks is a must for me as my condition was really bad. And the doctor told me, if the antibiotic didn't work at me, I'd better be charged to hospital because I might got dengue. WHAT?! Many people around me suspected dengue on me, as I always get stung by mosquitoes and I was like get attacked by a team of military trained mosquitoes, they would never stop attacking me especially in my office. The funny thing is I was always the only victim. People told me that I must be aware of those mosquitoes as mosquitoes in town are possibly AEDES Mosquitoes.
Sound so serious, but luckily the super strong antibiotic worked on me, I can now bounce here and there like I used to.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Pet's Story II
And all of us had further another skill, which is the skill of avoiding poo and pee on the floor. Tip-toeing and you gotta stop your breath all the way until you successfully across those landmines and arrive your destination. Okay, it might be a little exaggerating but I gotta tolerate with all these!
But luckily, Bebe is just temporarily staying at my place. By the way, he is cute though a little slow and stupid. The fascinating part is, he starts making friends with all the animals in my house including BenDan, the evil cat. We can't help laughing our souls out when seeing them cuddling together and playing with each other.
Pets are troublesome, but no doubt they are good companions in life, bring joys and make our house merrier.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My Scary Experiences and My Body
The nutritionist said it is probably due to my diet, sleeping habit, emotion or maybe I was stressed out. All these factor my high cholesterol. I don't really agree with diet as I did control my diet...not very strict but at least I did control a little by not taking much of oily stuffs, I ate a lot of veggies and it is way alot than before. Maybe I am getting older and my metabolism rates went down, but I have tried to cut down many things which are not healthy in my daily diet program unless sometimes I have to attend some dinners. I cut down a lot of my food portion, and I don't eat much lately since I felt something wrong with my body.
I always worried about my body, as I can feel something went wrong already. I dared not to find out the problem but before I went for body check-up, I must make myself at least better than the worst condition of my body. And I put efforts in controlling diet, exercising and taking health supplement.
You must be wondering what makes me think that my body has gone wrong. I don't know if any of you have gone through this kind of feeling when you think of to do something, your brain tell your parts to do it but your other body parts don't really do the exactly is assigned to. This first happened when I was in my secondary, I used to play piano, and I enjoyed playing piano as it is my life. And I forgot when, it happened around 7 to 8 years ago, one day when I was playing piano, my mind suddenly blank-out and my fingers stopped on the keys in the sudden and they were not under my control, not moving for maybe 5 to 10 minutes. I thought I was going paralyzed, and don't know why I cried to myself bitterly at that time. I don't know why would it happen, its like the clock in my brain had stopped working but I ain't a cyborg! How could this be possibly happened on me? By not knowing how, I felt like a mummy who is totally lost on how to nurture her rebellious kids, that lost. That was very scary, I am so fear of this kind of feeling. Like I am going to the heaven in any time.
This kind of feeling do come back at times, and I could feel myself is moving and thinking slower compared to year ago. Does this mean I am getting seriously older? I dared not tell anyone, even my family as I know they will think that is not a big deal at all. I don't wanna make them think that I am a paranoid. But that had make me a little phobia of playing piano. Then finally, I had my body check-up, everything is quite fine, but some old people's problems, cholesterol and too much consumption of protein.
If all those scary experiences were caused by my cholesterol and protein, it is considered not so scary after all. At least they are something I could maybe work out on it myself, dont have to go through surgery. Thank God by the way, I am still considered okay, will take good care of myself, I swear!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I hope he will be fine there
I sent my brother to youth centre today, not by myself of course, but three strangers who were paid to sent him there. Me and my mom were told not to be there as all of us know that our attendance there would interrupt the process of 'sending' him to the rehab centre. My brother, from his very young age up to today, was always a naughty one. He became very rebellious especially on his adolescent age, a real troublemaker who has raised sorts of problem that mentally harassed us.
Stealing, fighting, playing truant, bullying weaklings, vandalising, participating triad, all kind of things that qualified a bad boy could be found on him. How could we endure with this kind of kid? he is only 15! We always thought that he will one day grow up and feel guilty of what he had done. We have tried many different ways to cope with him, with care, love, restriction and everything one could think of, but none could cure.
I think the most pathetic thing is not because of the ways we have tried very hard didn't work, but no matter how hard we tried, he couldn't feel the love we showered on him. I seek for advices, and everyone besides me strongly agree with my decision of sending him to centre. That is the only way, looks cruel but that will make him a good man in the future and not a piece of trash. He used to respect and love me, but I know he is probably hating me now. No tears were dropped, but I couldn't explain the feeling of lost when I was sitting on the couch, all kind of feelings were in a riot, deranged my mind.
I hope when the next time I see him, he will be much different and become a real man. All of us hope so, I truthfully hope the outcome won't turn out worse.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
M going to Taiwan
even in the daylight
Say goodnight, say bye-bye
even tho I am burning midnight oil
But yay, am going to Taiwan on 2nd August
AKA my birthday!
Bad timing at the same time, guess many people will take the chance not to buy me any present as I will not be around.><
But I still hope u guys could get my present prepared.Hehe
Sunday, July 25, 2010
You think you are good?You are not there yet!
Paging to all Gossip aunties and uncles, please follow the steps below:
- wake up in the morning, brush your teeth and don't forget to look at yourself carefully into mirror.
- think about what u have done yesterday that hurt others feeling.
- think about what you have said yesterday which is not based on truth.
- think about your own children, are they really that good?
- think about yourself, are u really that perfect?
- just zip your mouth or you will make yourself more awful than the one you are always gossiping at.
I'm not a rude person, I do respect elderly people. Why don't some of you just be a cute old people that loved by everyone? You can look down on other people, but please be sure that you are that noble and pleasant.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Balinese design
As what I have observed from the houses in Batu Pahat, these damn rich people love Balinese style. 9 out of 10 house in the same row are in Balinese , yay so let's make it Balinese!

Color wise, dark grey and light brown are widely used to make a little contrast. Thou grey doesn't look like a Balinese, but I just wanna be stubborn and make the grey and brown spark together in their chemical bonds.
All rights for this material reserved by U Search Id.
We deal with creativity, make creative solution for your living!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
But please respect my decision, I have my reason. I know your worries, I understand that you care about me, but I believe you will do the same as I do too if you were in my shoes.
That's not your fault, my bad of being so emotional.
Sorry! T.T
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Pet's Story I
This is 'Ah Bui', as it is a real fatty. An obesity Syrian hamster. He loves taking sand bath but unfortunately due to his big body, he can't fit in any kind of 'bathroom'. Look at his messy fur.LOL
My two once babies Roborovski Hamster. Left one is Beat and right one is Bite. Beat is smart and tame while Bite is fat and lazy. *Big contrast* >.<
They always cuddle up and squeeze themselves in their running wheel. Love each other, nothing will set them apart thou they do fight sometimes.
The 'Kepo' dog, LeLe. She is the most kepo+ hyperactive dog in the world.
Breed: Schnauzer
Nick: Kepo Bitch
Interest: Being Nosy and spa in smelly drain
Shy Shy, the smile of teen!
Name: KiKi
Breed: Unidentified
Nick: Unidentified
Interest: Running happily in town.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Repo Men

That is how the world looks like in future. Inconceivable? No, I don't think so, this world will turn darker and worse than it is. Because there are unusual expensive artificial organs with the high monthly interest charged that keeps the human alive. In the future world, where drugs spread all over, everyone has bad organs and short supply of organ donation. Instead of waiting for the death, they sign up for an artificial organ which the price is impossibly gonna make it for normal or lower income family.
Only rich man can be survived, but the poor ones, in order to protect themselves, they hide and fight when they are threatened. And this situation is not gonna end forever because the world will continue rotting, people get used to the evil days. They even have artificial mind that control over the neuro that makes people live in wonderful dream forever. The war will never end until the end of the world.
People, are you ready to receive this?
Friday, July 16, 2010
This is the best song ever written. I am a dreamer, just like John Lenon do. Rest in Peace, John Lenon (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980).
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pet Penguin
I always wish to have a pet penguin, but people always tell me that is something so impossible which I could only dream on that. But now, Hmmph! People, please watch the video below:
I dont know what is his name, sounds Diwawa, or Kiwawa dont know which wawa is that but that name sounds extremely suit him, cute to max! I want one!!! I wanna give my pet penguin in future a cute name too, Miwawa? Fattywawa? a name, a name, a name, please, I must think a cute name for my pet penguin..
Monday, July 12, 2010
When I become old and slow, will you still in love with me?
Suddenly, I dont know how this kind of feeling come across me and make me feel really bad. How could one be living in this world without true friends? I know I am always a boring one, but I care about my friends very much. What if a true friend just left without knowing how I care for them? I hate this kind of feeling, but to be rational, things like this happen. Witnessing my friends leaving me, or realizing that I am going so far away from them is a true tragedy. I know I understand but I cant do a thing when I know they love me no more.
Who would still appreciate a dork like me?
I felt real bad when watching this tube, it reminds me of my friends, at the same time my 2 hammies which just died year ago and I miss them so much.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My dream. My Life
I am working in an unknown small company which only has one worker, me. Every time when people asked about "what are you doing, and in what company" I will tell them that I am working in a small company which u will never heard of it. I am doing everything I could to make miracles.
I am born in this town, a so called dead city, Muar. I would never tired of asking more people to come to this dead city not because it is dead, but because it is still alive. I still choose to stay in this small town, which I have been hesitating and considering a lot before I decided to stay. I did think about my family, and also my future. I know I am being stubborn, and I don't really care how other people think about me, I don't mind at all, because they don't understand, I have dreams to pursue.
Dream in a small town like this might sound difficult, but that is my dream. I am also thinking of going abroad for Master Degree, and I will come back again to this small town. I never think it is a waste to be in Muar, because behind all these laughter, there are my dreams. Other people stop me, and even tried to wake me up, but I don't feel taking Master Degree is something wrong and I don't think working here is something humiliating.
They think I am not well prepared, they think I made wrong judgments for my life. What they think and what they say are not under my consideration anymore, because I think this is my life, I manage my life myself.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The A-Team
Okay, let's talk about the show, great action, brilliant plans, cool characters and so entertaining that makes me laugh from the start till the end. That is not a comedy, but is so amusing, I madly enjoy watching it! I was like hypnotized by the story, I didn't feel uncomfortable like I used to feel when sitting on the lower row, I enjoyed watching on that seat in fact, weird. So I would tell that is all because of the movie itself, if that movie is awesome enough, audience would still enjoy watching it, even tho the seat was lousy.

The A-Team 1983

The A-Team 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Where I am Living in
I am living in a world where people fight with each others for money
I am living in a world where people know what is the benefit to fight but they are dumb enough to know what are the consequences
I am living together with a bunch of people who do not have any idea about what is peace
I am living in a world where you can find a lot of people thinking themselves are clever but start wars just because they don't wanna lose
And here is where I am living in
I truly hope, those who are lost can finally find their way
Those who are suffering can be released
Goodbye Yesterday.
Friday, May 28, 2010
记得 internship 的时候,我的同事兼干妈妈常会在放工时间问我,还不下班吗?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Those days in the small room downstairs Part II
On the leaving day, this song was played, that turned me sad. I hope the others will still remember of this song, meaningful not only the lyrics, but the melody which all of us sang together. I wanna say sorry, for things I've said that hurt some of you, if I ever done anything that makes you hate me, I also wanna send my apology here.
I don't know whether is there still a chance for all of us to meet up again, probably when the time we see each other, it is after years. And maybe, we can't even recognise each other. I truly hope that my existence in your life is not a dirt of your life, even if it was, I hope you would rub it away.
I feel you.