Problem will get worse if that was mankind handling it. But time different, it dissolves everything, everything that we think is so hard to be solved.
Read the old entries of blog, realized my stupidity and thought of deleting some of them. Yet, I found them a good evident that m actually growing older, and more toning down, so I decided to keep them with my weblog. Time flies, and it did take away some really bad memories formally, things are seemingly slowing down. Just a little here and there giving me more problems, but there are no perfection in life, things shouldn't be perfect either way. So, who the hell cares?!
Many thoughts miscellaneously came across my mind today, I remembered how I was accused, I remembered how I was being hated. Ha, hell I don't really care, those things for me are entertainment now.Maybe, years ago, I will be very angry for some untrue accusations, I will not say that were defamation, because that was actually not a big deal. Everyone everyday says something defamatory about ones. They talk due to what they think, from their point of view, that's their imagination or can be said creativity, so just let them be creative!
I remembered, how I was labeled as 'perfectionist', haha, but in a bad way! They think I've expected too much from others. When people working with me, they dislike me cos m a damn perfectionist that pressure them to hell. I admit it, actually admitted it long ago. I don't like to argue, and I will try to sarcastically respond:
My sisters dislike me,cos m not a good sister, they dare not ask any help from me, cos I would nag then I would teach them how to do instead of do it for them. Dislike aroused, hatred grow. None I done will be a good thing for them.Ok Ok, I don't care, I won't angry because if u are seeing me as somebody u dislike very much, have guts and come defeat me and make me silent for my entire life. Don't feel hatred but still doing the same old things repeatedly and never improved!
I 'hearsay' People dislike me because I am very pessimistic. Yes, I am pessimistic, that's me. When I think positively, u will think I am a nut that or over react or maybe will think that I am over confident yet not capable at all. When I feel sad, U would say I am always so negative and dare not to talk to me. It can't work either way, I won't respond, because there's no point for me to explain to people that won't listen to others and won't understand others' feeling. So, I shut my mouth up.
I will shut my mouth up because I am a damn perfectionist that very pessimistic and always expect a lot from others but not capable at all.
End here, goodnight!